Why Should Hotels go Green?

The green tourism industry is experiencing rapid growth. ‘Green Hotels’ are emerging in large numbers both across the UK and across the wider world. Although many hotel owners may perceive ‘going green’ as high risk, the advantages of doing so are difficult to ignore. Not only are there a host of advantages to going green, there are some real risks associated with totally ignoring this evolving area of the hospitality industry.

The importance of sustainability is not exclusive to the tourism trade. Implementing environmentally friendly practices is important across all industries. Not only because it is beneficial to the environment, but because it is important to customers. As a result of this, hotels that fail to acknowledge the impact of ‘going green’ may risk minimising their appeal to the modern-day guest.

In this blog from Great Western Recycling, we discuss a selection of reasons why a hotel may choose to go green.

Changes in Customer Interests

One of the key driving forces encouraging hotels to go green is changes in customer preferences. In recent years, mass attention has been turned to the dangers of climate change and the importance of making sustainable choices. Consequently, environmentalism has come to play a role in almost every decision a consumer makes.

As the hospitality wakes up to the demand for green hotels, the selection available to prospective guests is growing. Hotels that make changes towards greener practices are rewarded with greater custom from eco-conscious guests. Similarly, studies into hotels and hospitality have found that guests who share moral principles with a destination are more likely to revisit and recommend to a friend.

This shift is still in its infancy, but the hotels that keep ahead of the curve are likely to become role models for the entire industry. Over the coming years, hotels may feel rising pressure to make moves towards greener practices as to avoid appearing outdated.

Minimising Your Hotel’s Environmental Impact

Naturally, one of the biggest incentives for going green is reducing the environmental impact of your hotel. The travel and tourism industry is often criticised for its practices being harmful to the environment – so hotels that make a visible effort to go green really stand out.

Efforts to reduce environmental impact can start small, with hotels customising their approach to fit their business model. Basic changes can include reducing single use materials, and improving rates of recycling and sustainable waste management across the business. Hotels may also implement systems to preserve energy and water, or even stretch to investing in sustainable features such as solar panels or other sustainable energy resources.

Hotels looking to go the extra mile may wish to create ‘eco’ or ‘green’ experiences by partnering with local providers for eco-centric excursions. A hotel may also wish to reduce its carbon footprint by sourcing food and complimentary cosmetic products from local businesses and farms – locally sourced food is often a hit with tourists.

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Lower Costs for Your Hotel

The advantages of ‘going green’ extend beyond moral appeal. One of the most significant factors which influences the implementation of environmental practices in hospitality is financial savings. In the wake of the current financial climate, utility costs are at an all-time high – with energy being one of a hotel’s largest expenses. Across information available online, there is substantial evidence to suggest that hotels can use sustainable methods to reduce their utility costs, without impacting customer experience. And the cost savings don’t stop there; from paying less landfill tax through sustainable waste disposal to better resource efficiency, there are a host of advantages to going green.

Raising Your Profile 

The decision to go green not only has financial and moral advantages, but marketing and branding advantages too. When booking a stay online, many leading booking providers now have their own designated category for eco-tourism or green destinations. As a result, hotels that lean into green practices have a unique selling point when compared to competitors. A study by TripAdvisor even found that 62% of travellers always considered the environment when choosing accommodation (source).

Eco or ‘green’ tourism is quickly gaining traction in the hospitality industry, with green hotels and destinations attracting a lot of buzz, recognition and awards for their efforts. If a hotel is able to pick up awards through optimising their green opportunities and marketing themselves effectively, a hotel could easily find its way into magazines, newspapers and online articles. This exposure would help a hotel gain a local and national reputation for their work in the sustainability field.

Go Green With Help from Great Western Recycling

Here at Great Western Recycling, we offer a range of waste management, recycling and skip hire services ideal for businesses of all sizes. We even offer tailored hotel waste management. Our range of services cover general waste, mixed recycling, food waste recycling, glass waste recycling and hazardous waste disposal to name a few. With over 35 years of experience in the waste management industry, our expert team are on hand to support your hotel business with its waste disposal needs. To discuss how our services could help your hotel go green or adopt more green practices – get in touch today. For more blog posts about waste disposal and recycling across a range of sectors, check out our blog.