Benefits of Food Waste Recycling

As we all try to do our bit to help protect the environment and reduce our carbon footprints, most businesses know they should be recycling their food waste – but do you know why?

At Great Western Recycling we are experts in waste management and recycling and help a huge range of businesses dispose of their waste in a cost effective and environmentally friendly way.

In this guide we will go through exactly what the benefits of food waste recycling are, and how your business can get started today.

What is Food Waste?

Food waste is any natural material that is left over from food production. That could be food that was intended for consumption but was not used, or the inedible components of ingredients, such as seeds, bones, and peels.

It is estimated that in the UK we produce over 9 million tonnes of food waste per year (WRAP).

Why is Food Wasted?

There are several reasons why food is wasted. Some are avoidable and some are not, so it’s not as black and white as you might think.

Before food products even leave the farm, some waste will likely be generated due to storage, manufacturing and preservation issues. Many of these issues are unavoidable.

Once food reaches the suppliers and consumers, there are then issues with supply and demand to contend with, as well as sell-by dates and, of course, simple plate scrapings. While some of these issues can be limited, it is always a tricky balancing act, and inevitably some food will be wasted.

Why is food waste a problem?

There are three main reasons why food waste is a problem your business should be thinking about and taking action to reduce.

Unnecessary edible waste

The biggest problem comes when we are talking about food waste that comes from products or ingredients that are still fit for consumption, but which are wasted due to businesses having surplus supplies, or food passing its official sell-by date.

Essentially, this food waste could be eaten by those who need it, like people in homeless shelters or children who need free school meals. This is a big problem in the UK, but one which many businesses, such as Tesco and Sainsbury’s, have committed to trying to resolve. The main solution for reducing food waste here is redistribution, with the help of charities and organisations such as FareShare.

Environmental impact

The second biggest problem with food waste is the stark environmental impact it has. In fact, it is estimated that when it is sent to landfill, UK food waste is associated with over 20 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. During our climate emergency, this is an unacceptable and avoidable cost, and businesses should be doing everything possible to reduce the amount of their food waste going to landfill. A simple way to do this is by recycling your food waste with the help of a waste management company, such as Great Western Recycling – more on that below.


It may be less obvious, but the cost of food waste is actually extremely high. Put simply, every time food that could be sold is wasted, you are losing out on both purchasing cost and profit. Plus, every time you pay for food waste to be disposed of to landfill, you are spending more money. To help reduce costs, consider working with an environmentally friendly waste management company, who will be able to offer better rates to dispose of your waste, and advise you on strategies to keep food waste low in the first place.

How Does Food Waste Recycling Help?

As we have already touched on, the good news is that there are several solutions to helping reduce the food waste problem in the UK. Aside from redistribution, the single best solution is to recycle any unavoidable food waste your business produces. Here is why:

Environmental benefits

Any food recycling that is collected by a waste management company, such as Great Western Recycling, is sent to an anaerobic digestion facility and is then converted into renewable energy. This means that not only are methane and carbon dioxide not produced from rotting waste, but renewable energy is actually produced instead. This energy can then go towards powering homes and businesses with affordable, green energy – perhaps even yours!

Cost benefits

We touched on this above, but recycling food waste instead of sending it to landfill is much cheaper. This is because waste management companies are able to offer preferential collection rates for recycling, as these are not regulated in the same way as traditional waste is. It is also in the waste management company’s interest to recycle food waste, as they can generate profit from the renewable energy produced by this waste – so it’s a win, win to keep costs low.

As part of our food waste recycling service, at Great Western Recycling we also offer free consultation to help you think about and maintain your general sustainability practices.

Brand benefits

As environmentally friendly practices become the norm, having your food waste sent to landfill could actually be detrimental to your brand. It is estimated that 50% of consumers have avoided a product based on a company’s responsible reputation, which ultimately means 50% less sales. Now that’s worth thinking about!

Recycle Food Waste with Great Western Recycling

At Great Western Recycling we offer bespoke and flexible food waste recycling services. Our expert team can advise you on how to get set up, including providing bins and estimating how frequently you will need collections.

As your requirements change, our services will adapt too, so you are never tied into anything you don’t need.

For more information about our services, and to start reaping the benefits of food waste recycling, get in touch today.